Research Projects

Fondo Asilo, Migrazione e Integrazione, (FAMI) IMPACT VENETO, Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali (CuP: M79F18000300007) (PROG-2415). Project: La comunicazione non verbale nelle interazioni con i migranti.

POT 7 UNISCO (Progetti del Piano Nazionale Lauree Scientifiche e/o Piani di Orientamento e Tutorato (CUP: C94I19000960001). Supervision to video creation and production.

Project Slandail: Empowering Emergency Response Using Social Media. European Community FP7 n. 607691.

Intelligibility and communicative competence in multilingual and multicultural interactions. Effects of foreign accent in the production and perception of English spoken by non-native speakers.
Cariparo Foundation Doctoral Research Project, Padova.

Multilingual and multicultural interactions. Which factors hinder intelligibility and communication in non-native English?. Excellence Research program, University of Padova.
Automatic correction of English pronunciation and intonation, University of Padova.