• Fondo Asilo, Migrazione e Integrazione, (FAMI) IMPACT VENETO, Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali (CuP: M79F18000300007) (PROG-2415). Project: La comunicazione non verbale nelle interazioni con i migranti.
• POT 7 UNISCO (Progetti del Piano Nazionale Lauree Scientifiche e/o Piani di Orientamento e Tutorato (CUP: C94I19000960001). Supervision to video creation and production.
• Project Slandail: Empowering Emergency Response Using Social Media. European Community FP7 n. 607691.
• Intelligibility and communicative competence in multilingual and multicultural interactions. Effects of foreign accent in the production and perception of English spoken by non-native speakers.
Cariparo Foundation Doctoral Research Project, Padova.
• Multilingual and multicultural interactions. Which factors hinder intelligibility and communication in non-native English?. Excellence Research program, University of Padova.
• Automatic correction of English pronunciation and intonation, University of Padova.