

Each year the Doctoral Programme admits around 10-20 students, on average 11-12 with scholarships and 1-2 without. There are generally 40-45 doctoral students in the School at one time.
As of their second year, doctoral students also receive funding for study periods abroad (10% of annual scholarship for two successive years). Students with scholarship receive finding from the University while those without scholarships are financed by the Department (DiSLL).


One scholarship is destined for candidates (Italian or international) who have graduated abroad.
Extra places are provided for international students with their own scholarships (for example from their government). They can choose from the languages listed in the admission guidelines for their interview.
CHINESE STUDENTS: prospective doctoral students can apply for scholarships from the CHINA SCHOLARSHIP COUNCIL


Four-year degree; second-cycle degree or equivalent qualification (including those obtained abroad), corresponding to 5 years of academic study. Candidates who are about to graduate will be admitted as long as they will complete their degree by 30 SEPTEMBER.


The Programme admits students on the basis of a thorough evaluation of their potential for research, as revealed by their CV, their research project, the candidate’s letter of motivation, at least one reference letter and possible experience of research and publications.
The admission guidelines issued each year specify the number of places, the evaluation criteria, the deadlines and instructions for application.


The admissions procedure consists of two steps:
The following qualifications are evaluated: the degree obtained; second-cycle (or four-year degree) thesis; CV; reference letter; letter of motivation; possible publications; other qualifications; coherent research project related to one of the disciplinary area of the Course. A minimum level of evaluation is necessary in order to be admitted to the interview. Particular weight will be given to the quality of the research project and of the degree thesis.
The interview will mainly concern discussion of the research project and assessment of knowledge and competence in the given field. Candidates will also be assessed on knowledge of two of the following foreign languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Russian. Candidates may also choose to sit the interview in one of the vehicular languages indicated in the guidelines.
The score for the interview will be added to that of the evaluation of qualifications in order to draw up a list from which students with or without scholarships will be picked. Both the evaluation of qualifications and the interview will be conducted by an Examination Board nominated by the Doctoral Committee. The latter will decide on the scores, which will be published in the document accompanying the guidelines.
If candidates wish to make any enquires about application procedures, teaching or research, they should contact the Secretary of the Doctoral School.