Research lines

The Programme focuses on three RESEARCH AREAS, with particular attention to the interdisciplinary paths running between these:


Historical linguistics and grammatical theory (morphology, phonology, syntax); linguistic and applied linguistic issues relating to the main Western languages; dialectology; translation studies; language teaching; lexico-grammatical investigation; special languages.


Philology (classical, medieval and modern) seen as ecdotics and history of tradition, and especially as an act of total interpretation of the text in its historicity, cultural thickness, material data and semic values; history of the Italian language; studies of stylistics, rhetoric and metrics; theory and history of translation.


History and criticism of literary, critical and cultural production in the main Western languages, from antiquity to present day; literary periods and genres (Middle Ages, Renaissance, Romanticism, modern and contemporary) in European literature and that of Anglophone, Francophone Hispanophone countries; comparative literature and cultural studies; translation; the reception and circulation of texts; the relationship between national cultures and transnational production; thematic and and anthropological criticism of the literary text.

Alongside classical languages (Greek and Latin) and Italian, the LANGUAGES, CULTURES AND LITERATURES investigated are: French, English (including Anglo-American and Anglophone varieties), German, Spanish (and Latin-American), Portuguese and Brazilian, Modern Greek, Romanian, Czech, Croatian and Serbian, Polish, Slovenian and Hungarian.

The Doctoral Programme covers a wide range of research areas, which for ease of organisation are divided into the following traditional DISCIPLINARY AREAS: