International collaboration

The Doctoral Programme encourages co-supervision of theses thanks to agreements with numerous prestigious international universities, such as Lausanne, Geneva, Basel, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Mainz, Cologne, Stuttgart, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris), La Sorbonne, Grenoble (including a double degree), Toulouse, Limoges, Liège, Belgrade, University of Western Ontario, etc.


Doctoral students are expected to spend between 6 and 18 months abroad.
The aim of such mobility is to foster research opportunities and participation in intensive courses and summer schools. If students spend more than 20 days aboard they will receive a scholarship increase of 50%. From the second year, each student will receive funding for research activities in Italy and abroad (10% of scholarship for two successive years). Doctoral students not receiving a scholarship will also be entitled to this funding, thanks to the contribution of the Department (DiSLL). It should however be remembered that students may not spend more than half of the period of their doctoral studies abroad.


This usually occurs in the second year. It requires an agreement with the university abroad. Students should seek their supervisor’s approval before submitting a request to the Doctoral Board of Teachers/Committee.

Cotutelle agreement